Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sana School; Massage Therapists in Full Bloom!

Those of you who know me best know that teaching is one of my greatest passions. It is a true honor and a sacred gift to earn the trust of a student and for them to select you as their mentor. The journey that the students travel on from the first day of class is nothing short of incredible. Each week they grow a little more. They gain knowledge, develop confidence, grow as individuals and with each step a light inside them burns brighter and brighter. There comes a time with each class when I look at them and realize that they have made the transition from students into bright new professional therapists. This moment always warms my heart but when it happened today with my first class at Sana it reached all the way deep into my soul. This class will always hold a special place in my heart. Individually they have all taught me so much, as many of my students have throughout the years. As a group they have brought peace into my heart and love into our new home on Oklahoma Ave. We have a few short and precious months left until graduation and until a new fresh eyed group comes in to sit in these student's chairs. Before time flies by and we end up at that day I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the joy that this class has brought into my life and into our practice. They are now officially and forever a part of the Sana Community! If you're ever in the area stop in and say hi to  Kathy, Tomas and Val before they spread their wings!

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