Monday, July 15, 2013

An Energetic Explination of the Unexplainable Events of the Year

Here in Wisconsin the July heat is finally settling in. After a long cold winter and a rainy spring we are at last comforted and warmed by the sun's generous touch. Generally this is the time when we feel most alive, vibrant and full of life. Strangely enough today I find myself lingering in a state of reflection. A state of refection that is filled with happiness, love, remorse, conflict and anticipation. Oddly enough many of patients are in the same place. Plagued with unexplainable events, heartache, job losses, foreclosures and mental and emotional breaks. This year has been filled with change, unbelievable transformation and emotional rampage unlike to any other I have experienced in any previous year.  It is just now as I am writing this blog that I realizing the reasons why.

In Chinese Medicine the summer is the time where the heart's qi is most active. It's the time when we are immersed in happiness and yet the excess of it can easily damage our qi. We drift through on a joyful high and often times are obliviously to the fact that the heat can actually scorch our heart channel. The key to this is always balance. Allowing yourself to bask in the joy while not forgetting any sorrow that may lie on the other side. As always we are in a constant state of flux shifting from the yang light into yin darkness.

Aside from the seasonal effects we are also in the midst of the year 2013, year of the water snake. The snake is known as a beautiful and seductive creature. She slinks her way through with a grace that can go un noticed by most. For this they say that the year of the snake can be one of illusion. A year where things are not always as they seem to be on the surface. The water element brings in heavy emotions, perceptions and intuition suggesting that for us to properly navigate the snake's seductive and allusive beauty we must depend on intuition as a guiding force. A task not many have mastered. For many this can explain the gut wrenching feeling in the pit of the stomach that just won't go way, the sense that maybe, just maybe you are not in the right place, and why seemingly wonderful relationships or careers have come to a tragic end with little to no warning.

This leads to the other aspect of the year of the water snake. It is the year of transformation...period. This is the year that everything that is not meant to be will fall apart, crumble and force it's way out of your life. In order to live harmoniously throughout the second half of this year you must find a way to embrace this change, put faith in intuition and let go. All those emotional scars you have been carrying around all those years, grudges, hurt, wrong choices, bad decisions that you have been living with as of right now no longer belong to you. The karmic air is here and the time is prime to let them go. The energy of this year is going to force you to do it one way or another. Metaphorically you will need to shed your skin just as the snake does in order to pave the way for the new beginnings in 2014.

All of this transformation can be very un-nerving and extremely horrific for many of us. Especially for those of us with a plan. In fact just last week I found myself on a plane flying down south to help a friend, in tears at the airport wondering what in world was going on with everyone. I felt completely out of control and like I was trying to help everyone I love glue the pieces of their life together and meanwhile was getting cut by shards of glass from my own life. I wont elaborate here for privacy reasons but there has been some serious changes effecting seemingly everyone in my life including myself. After I landed and had a chance to clear my head I realized that while many things were falling apart the important pieces were holding together stronger than ever. Those lifetime friendships, the real and true love in my life and my ability to help my patients, those things were still secure and safe. It was just all the slush that was clouding around those true forces that was washing off. So here we have the last element of the year of the snake.

The year of the water snake sets the stage for new birth and beginnings, it is quit literally "the womb that will bear the fruits of 2014.". Now is the time to plant the seeds for your dreams to come true in the year of the horse 2014. The year of the horse is filled with the energy of earth and growth and no dream is too small to grow into your wildest wish!

So if you have been having a tough year so far like me and many others, I hope this post has given you some hope. If you trust in the information I have shared it's time to embrace letting go, trust your inner guide and allow yourself to grieve as all your residual crap gets washed away by those tears. Change isn't always easy but the harvest next year promises to be sweet!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sana School; Massage Therapists in Full Bloom!

Those of you who know me best know that teaching is one of my greatest passions. It is a true honor and a sacred gift to earn the trust of a student and for them to select you as their mentor. The journey that the students travel on from the first day of class is nothing short of incredible. Each week they grow a little more. They gain knowledge, develop confidence, grow as individuals and with each step a light inside them burns brighter and brighter. There comes a time with each class when I look at them and realize that they have made the transition from students into bright new professional therapists. This moment always warms my heart but when it happened today with my first class at Sana it reached all the way deep into my soul. This class will always hold a special place in my heart. Individually they have all taught me so much, as many of my students have throughout the years. As a group they have brought peace into my heart and love into our new home on Oklahoma Ave. We have a few short and precious months left until graduation and until a new fresh eyed group comes in to sit in these student's chairs. Before time flies by and we end up at that day I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the joy that this class has brought into my life and into our practice. They are now officially and forever a part of the Sana Community! If you're ever in the area stop in and say hi to  Kathy, Tomas and Val before they spread their wings!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A great way to soothe those achy muscles

Tui Na "push pull" is a form of manual therapy that combines the principles of massage therapy, naprapathy, chiropractic and acupressure. Here Heather Peterman (acupuncturist) is using Tui Na to reinforce her treatment and to further release tight muscles after acupuncture and cupping therapy.
Picture of Sana Acupuncture & Apothecary

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Change of heart

"Sometimes things fall apart so they can come together." One of my absolute favorite quotes in the world and so applicable to my life over the last few months. After working the past few years in a state of the art beautiful facility, surrounded by beautiful people, I realized that what we were doing wasn't so beautiful at all and that in fact I had lost touch with my patients and with who I was as a healer. The fast paced, get in as many patients as you can and shuffle them around to multiple providers while all the while running back and forth to multiple treatment rooms just was not working for anyone. After much contemplation around this realization I decided to open a small community based acupuncture clinic on a part time basis. My part time clinic became a full time endeavor very quickly. Initially I was shocked and surprised by the turn of events and my new life situation but now that the dust has settled I am completely thankful that the universe heard my prayers and set me back on my path.

And so after much ado I would like to introduce Sana Acupuncture & Apothecary! Our business cards read "Acupuncture for the people; you decide what you pay!" We offer community style acupuncture in our beautiful community space at a sliding scale of $20-$40. The whole goal is to make acupuncture affordable and accessible to anyone who needs it, while maintaining excellent quality of care. We also have private rooms available for those lone wolves who desire a little solitude. Our clinic is small inviting and most of all peaceful! The atmosphere of the clinic is loving, the ambiance calming and the energy healing. I am loving the new clinic and enjoying getting back my roots as an Acupuncturist and health care provider. In the past few months since the clinic opened my soul has begun to heal and my interactions with my patients have become stronger. I remember what is to treat people from the heart and it fills me with happiness to be able to share this gift with the people I treat. My patients come from all walks of life and it so nice to see them all together under one roof with one common goal. If you are ever in my neighborhood please drop in and say hello, I would love to share my new love with all of you!

One of my favorite patients and the worlds best grandpa!

One of our sweet little ones coming to see us for a toothache :(

Daddy daughter time at Sana

A little manual therapy
 A peaceful day in our clinic

Moxa and Acupuncture

Warming cupping on a chilly day for sore muscles

Heather and Esther

Revolutionizing Acupuncture parties..really it's a thing